
Wat is apples market cap is it a large cap medium cap or

Use Excel to create a 8-year daily stock price history for Apple coompany using finance. Yahoo.com and answer questions about its common stcok

a) What is Apple's " Market cap"? is it a "large cap", "medium cap" or " small cap"?

b) Is Apple paying a cash dicidend curretnly? How can we find out? why some companies never pays cah dividends?

c) How well have Apple compnay stockholders done over the last 5 years compare to the the total return on the Standard and Poor's 500?

d) What is the current dividend on Apple's stock? what is the dividend yield? How does it compare to Apple company's dividend yields?

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Financial Management: Wat is apples market cap is it a large cap medium cap or
Reference No:- TGS02398944

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