Question 1: The energy band diagram for a reverse-biased Si pa-junction diode under steady-state conditions is pictured in Fig

(a) With the aid of the diagram and assuming single-level R-G center statistics, Tn = Tp = T, and ET' = Ei, simplify the general steady-state net recombination rate expression to obtain the simplest possible relationship for R at (i) x = 0, (ii) x = - xpp, (iii) x = xnn (iv) x = -xp and (v) x = xn.
(b) Sketch It versus x for x-values lying within the electrostatic depletion region (-xp ≤ x ≤xn).
(c) What was the purpose or point of this problem?
Question 2: The energy band diagram for a forward-biased Si pn-junction diode maintained under steady-state conditions at room temperature (T = 300 K) is pictured in Fig. Note that EFn - Ej = Ei, EFp = EG/4.

(a) For the particular situation pictured in Fig. and assuming single-level R-G center statistics, τn = τp = τ, and ET' = Ej, show that the steady-state net recombination rate inside the electrostatic depletion region (-xp ≤ x ≤ xn) can be simplified to
R ≅ ni/T [eE_G/4kT/c(F_N - E_i)kT + e(Ei - Fp)/kT]
(b) Plot R/(ni/τ) versus x for -xp ≤ x ≤ xn' Assume the Ei variation between x = -xp and x = xn is approximately linear in constructing the plot.
(c) What is the purpose or point of this problem?
Question 3: The surface of an n-bulk solar cell is subjected to intense illumination giving rise to high level injection (Δns = Δps >> nso). The surface region of the device is characterized by the energy band diagram shown in fig.

(a) What fraction of the surface centers at E = FN, E = Ei, and E = FP will be filled for the specified steady-state situation? (Let DFilled be the number of filled surface centers per eV-cm2 at E. the fraction of filled surface centers is then DFilled/DIT.) Sketch DFilled/DIT versus E for EV ≤ E ≤ Ec. Assume cns = cps for all E in this part of the problem.
(b) Defining Rs = s*Δps, obtain an approximate closed-form expression for s* involving only ΔE = FN - Fp and the parameters cns' cps, and DIT evaluated at mid-gap. Invoke and record all reasonable assumptions and simplifications needed to complete this problem.