
Wat did immigration patterns look like in the 1880s-1900s

IMMIGRATION OF 1880-1900 200-400 SUMMARY

Step 1: Identify and read two secondary sources on immigration. One of them should deal with immigration from 1880s-1900s (that can be the textbook). One of them should deal with immigration from 1990s-today.

Step 2: Write a 200-400 word response analyzing the readings. Refer to the rubric for specifics regarding citations, etc.

Use a word processor (like MS Word) to write your response to the following questions:

What did immigration patterns look like in the 1880s-1900s? How did people living in the US respond to these developments?

What have immigration patterns looked like in the past 20 years? How have people living in the US responded?

What are the differences bewteen immigration then and now? Are the responses of Americans similar or different?


A substantive post is one which:

A) includes an original idea or a unique and thoughtful response to a posted assignment/question;

B) is well-written and in excess of 200 words; and

C) includes at least two citations (one from the assigned readings and one from an outside source--see below on the use of unauthored web sites).

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History: Wat did immigration patterns look like in the 1880s-1900s
Reference No:- TGS01000629

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