
Wastenot recycling wastenot recycling picks up recyclables

MAKING BUSINESS DECISIONS * 1. WasteNot Recycling WasteNot Recycling picks up recyclables from homeowners in Boulder, Colorado. Neighborhoods subscribe to the service so that pickup is cost-effective. WasteNot provides special containers to subscribers for sorting recyclables: a blue container for paper products and a purple container for aluminum, plastic, and glass products. Subscribers place their recycling containers on the curb for biweekly pickup. Each recycling container is weighed before being emptied. WasteNot drivers carry handheld recording devices used to track each pickup. Subscribers receive quarterly profit-sharing checks based on their contributions. If WasteNot does not make a profit, subscribers are not paid for their recyclables. If WasteNot makes a profit, subscribers share in that profit. WasteNot has asked you to help develop a relational database that will effectively track subscribers, using the data downloaded from the drivers’ devices. WasteNot has provided you with a snapshot of two tables you need to create. The Customer table shown here holds static customer information such as name, address, and phone. The Customer Record table holds data about each recyclable pickup. Specifically, WasteNot needs you to: bal76744_plugint06_002-018.indd T6-16 2/22/08 Plug-In T6 Basic Skills and Tools Using Access 2013 * T6-16 1. Create a Microsoft Access database. 2. Create the tables, fields, data types, and primary key(s) for the database. 3. Create the relationship(s) needed between the tables. 4. Populate the database with the data provided above.

After completing parts 1 through 3 of this assignment, you should also:

Add two additional customer records, one with your name and one with a friend's name.

Add an additional 14 records to the Customer Service record table. These records should indicate service dates in January and February of 2007. They should also be related to existing customers in the Customer table (including the customer record for you and your friend).

When you create the relationship between the 2 tables (i.e. part 4 of this problem), please be sure to check the checkbox for "Enforce Referential Integrity" as well as the checkboxes for "Cascade Update Related Fields" and "Cascade Delete Related records". If you do not check these boxes as specified you may come up with radically different answers to the questions.

You will now make some observations based on the following questions:

What happens when you try to enter a record into the Customer Service records table for which there is no corresponding record in the Customer table?

What happens when you try to delete a record from the Customer records table for which there is at least one corresponding record in the Customer Service records table?

What happens when you try to change the value of "Customer ID" in the Customer table for which there IS at least one corresponding record in the Customer Service Records table?

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Operation Management: Wastenot recycling wastenot recycling picks up recyclables
Reference No:- TGS02562167

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