
Waste water is dischared into a aquifer this waste water

Waste water is dischared into a aquifer. This waste water contains 0.1 ppm atrazine (a common herbicide). The MCL of atrazine is 5 ppb, the density is 1.19 g/ML and the solubility is 50 ppm. 500 ft away from the plant effluent there is a permeable reactive barrier filled with activated carbon. The aquifer has hydraulic conductivity of 100 gpd/sf, and area of 50 sf, porosity of 0.4 and a hydraulic gradient of 0.003.

A. what I the discharge through the aquifer?

B. How long does it take for the waste water effluent to reach the barrier?

C. How much atrizine must be removed per day to comply with the MCL regulation?

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Civil Engineering: Waste water is dischared into a aquifer this waste water
Reference No:- TGS0653027

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