Part 1: (one paragraph)
• What elements of art & principles of design do you recognize in the artworks?
o Elements of Art: line, value/light, shape, form/mass, color, texture, space, time/motion
o Principles of Design: unity & variety, balance, emphasis & subordination, rhythm & repetition, directional forces/movement, contrast, proportion & scale.
Part 2: (one paragraph per question - three total)
• What did you like about the show? What are its strengths?
• Was there anything you didn't like about the show or a piece of work? How could this aspect be improved?
• What did you learn from the tour and lecture that you may not have known simply by just looking at the art on your own? How did this knowledge change your opinion of the work (if at all)?
Your essay will be a total of 4 paragraphs that are 3-4 sentences each. Post your response to blackboard in the appropriate location.
Ask questions during your tour to help you answer these key points and any other questions you may have. Also, be specific in your responses.
For example, when discussing a particular part of the show, use the name of the artwork you are referencing.