
Was there an overt moral to the story what were the more

Field Project : Childhood Socialization


For this project, you will use what you've learned about socialization to examine one aspect of the socialization of children. Choose one of the options below. Complete the fieldwork project, then write a 750-1000 words or 3-4 page double spaced paper.

Option 1: Children's Cartoons

Watch at least one episode of a children's cartoon (I suggest recording it so that you can watch it more than once). Write a reflection on the messages the cartoon conveys to children.

Explain what you observed (what happened on the episode) and what you think the show communicates to children. In other words, explain not just what messages the show conveys, but how it conveys those messages.

You will need to take notes as you watch the cartoon so that you can accurately and systematically discuss your observations. Here are some questions you may want to take notes on as you watch:

• What does the show communicate about the adults in children's lives?

• What does the show communicate about other children in their lives?

• What does the show communicate about what traits are valuable in children? (What's portrayed as "cool"?)

• What does the show portray about race, class, gender and/or other social statuses?

• What characters receive most of the attention?

• Was there an overt moral to the story? What were the more subtle lessons? Did they reinforce dominant messages from our society? Undermine them?

You do not need to address all of these questions; focus on those that seem most relevant. Your notes should include not just your answer to the questions, but the evidence that supports it (i.e., actual examples from the episode).

You may also focus on other questions not listed  here, but that are relevant to the issue of children and socialization.

As you write your 2-3 page paper about this project you will need to:

1. Describe the episode. Provide the basic show details (show and episode title, network on which it airs, ages to which it is targeted, etc.) as well as a basic plot summary. This portion of your paper should be approximately one paragraph.

2. Evaluate the episode as an agent of children's socialization. Consider the following questions: How can tv shows be considered agents of socialization?

What kinds of social/cultural messages are embedded in this episode? What kinds of effects might these messages have
on children's socialization (in terms of shaping their understanding of themselves/the world)? Do you think this has mainly a positive or negative influence on children's socialization?

3. Remember you should make relevant, meaningful, direct connections to at least two course readings and use of sociological concepts, theories, and/or research, including relevant terminology, general explanations, and direct, specific applications.

Option 2: Children's Toys

Visit a toy store and write a reflection on the messages the toys (and the store itself) convey to children. In particular, you should focus on the differences between "boys' toys" and "girls' toys," and the messages these toys convey about gender differences in our society.

You will need to take notes as you make your observations in the toy store. Consider the following questions:

• How is the store organized? Is there a boys' side and a girls' side? If so, how can you tell which is which?

• How can you tell whether a toy is for girls or boys? Does the store or toy company convey this in any way, either directly or indirectly (e.g., through store layout, packaging, etc.)?

• If there are boys' toys and girls' toys, how do they differ?

• How do toys that could be considered "gender neutral" differ from toys that are targeted for girls or boys?

Your notes should include not just your answer to the questions, but the evidence that supports it (i.e., actual examples from the toy store).

You may also focus on other questions not listed here, but that are relevant to the issue of children and socialization.
As you write your 2-3 page paper about this project you will need to:

3. Describe your observations. Provide the basic details about the store location, size, layout, and the kinds of toys you saw. This portion of your paper should be approximately one paragraph.

4. Evaluate the toy store/toys as an agent of children's socialization. Consider the following questions: How can toys be considered agents of socialization? What kinds of gender differences did you observe in the toys?

What kinds of lessons might children learn from these
toys about the differences between girls/women and boys/men?

Do you think these toys have mainly a positive or negative influence on children's socialization (or were there some you consider particularly positive, and others you consider particularly negative)?

5. Remember you should make relevant, meaningful. direct connections to at least two course readings and use of sociological concepts, theories, and/or research, including relevant terminology, general explanations, and direct, specific applications.


• Submission length 750-950 words (about three to four pages double spaced)

• You must use (directly reference/discuss) at least two of the course readings.

• Do not use any outside sources; stick to the course materials.

• Provide a reference list for the course materials you cite, and you must adhere to the principles for academic integrity by carefully and responsibly citing any material you draw from in your paper (including course materials).

• Provide in-text citations (with the author's last name) for material you reference. If you use another author's exact wording, you must put this wording in quotes and provide a page number as well.

Format your paper using the following criteria:

• Essay should be pasted directly into the canvas assignment or uploaded as an attachment. (don't worry if the formatting changes)

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Dissertation: Was there an overt moral to the story what were the more
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