
Was the reporting objective and was the analysis fair and

Answers don't need to be long but thoughtful. grammar and spelling need to be checked.

Question 1

In the Lecture slides - you were asked about Political Culture and were asked to:

•Have a conversation with someone you might not know well

•Talk about growing up.

•Where they came from and how they were raised

•Compare your childhood with theirs. Similar? Different?

Please write briefly about this conversation and how it relates to Political Culture

Question 2

Watch the coverage of a current issue on 1 of the 24 hour news networks, in a newspaper, and on 1 of the broadcast news networks and critique the coverage on the basis of adequacy, fair news and information quality.

In a paragraph or two consider these questions

Was the reporting objective and was the analysis fair and helpful?

Were all the sides of the issue treated equally?

Which medium provided the best coverage?

How does this assignment help you critique the news media?

Question 3

2014 is an election year. For this assignment: Pick an Interesting/contest race (Governor, Congress, Senate) from any state
Then briefly discuss who the candidates are for the position and what the candidates' positions are on one key issue. How easy/difficult was it to find this information?

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Dissertation: Was the reporting objective and was the analysis fair and
Reference No:- TGS02441054

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