
Was the percent of foreign-born americans in 1910

Critical Thinking Discussion Question:

Part 1-

· If you were told that you had to leave your home and move to another country and could only bring one suitcase, what would you pack in that suitcase? What would each of those items tell us about your culture, your place of origin, what is important to you, and your hopes for your new life?

Part 2-

· Are there any aspects of American life that are uniquely "American?" Are there practices, traditions, holidays, foods, music, sports, etc. that cannot be traced to a different country of origin? What does this tell us about the composition of American culture?

· Is it possible to separate anti-Irish sentiments from anti-Catholic sentiments in 19th Century America? Why or why not?

· Who has contributed most to American culture and life, the Germans or the Irish? Provide examples to support your choice.

Part 3

What were the characteristics of most immigrants who came to America between 1880 & 1920?

· What was the percent of foreign-born Americans in 1910?

· What was the percent of foreign-born and children of foreign-born Americans in America's 12 largest cities?

· What distinctions did the Dillingham Commission Report draw between the old and new immigrants?

· What was the Haymarket Riot and what was its relation to Immigrant groups? (this question should be one paragraph) Use the Internet.

Part 4-

· What is the relationship between fear and Nativism?

Think about how fear, prejudice, and discrimination influenced developments related to immigration and internal migration in the United States?

Part 5-

What is the relationship between fear and Nativism?

Part 6-

1. Should America provide a safe refuge for immigrants in danger in their home countries (refugees)? Why or why not?

2. Should Puerto Rico become the 51st U.S. state? Why or why not?

3. Why has there been a difference in the reception of the first and second waves of immigrants from Cuba?

Part 7-

familiarize yourself with the map of the Middle East.

Then answer the following questions

1. Which countries border Saudi Arabia?

2. Which bodies of water border Saudi Arabia?

3. Which countries are across the Red Sea to the west of Saudi Arabia?

4. Which countries are across the Persian Gulf to the east of Saudi Arabia?

5. Which countries border Afghanistan?

6. Which countries border Syria?

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History: Was the percent of foreign-born americans in 1910
Reference No:- TGS0986939

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