Research health literacy and review the related articles under this week's Required Resources. How would you define health literacy? Using Review Table 1 in the article "Evaluation of Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Print Patient Education Materials for use with Low-Health Literate Populations-", evaluate the appropriateness of one of the following health education pamphlets for adult with low health literacy.
- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome -
- Vaccinations-
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases-
Was the pamphlet you selected appropriately designed for a low health literacy target group? Explain how the pamphlet "ranked" with each of the literacy criteria. If you found the pamphlet to be low-literacy level appropriate, then explain why. If you did not find the pamphlet to be appropriate for low-literacy level groups, then describe how it could be improved upon. Reference a minimum of three scholarly sources in APA format.