
Was cybersecurity a priority at target-explain


Discuss case 5.1 BlackPOS Malware Steals Target's Customer Data.

Answer the following questions that relate to the case:

1. Was cybersecurity a priority at Target? Explain.

2. How did lax security impact Target's sales revenue and profit performance?

3. According to experts, how was the data breach executed?

4. In addition to the data theft, what else was damaged by this incident?

5. Was this cybersecurity incident foreseeable? Was it avoidable?

6. Why might management not treat cyberthreats as a top priority?

7. Research recent news concerning this data breach. Has Target recovered from it? Explain.

8. Assuming that the CEO and CIO were forced to resign, what message does that send to senior management at U.S. companies?


The format for the Discussion Question should be the same as in Introduction Paragraph, Body, Summary and Reference list in APA format with in-text citations. Research should be from primary sources only academically reviewed journal articles, textbook and sparingly from one other book. Please note internet articles and homework help sites should not be used for these assignments.

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