
Was an eloquent advocate for the indians of hispaniola

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

1. was an eloquent advocate for the Indians of Hispaniola.

a. Coronado
b. Las Casas
c. Luther
d. Calvin

2. Cartier explored the St. Lawrence River in order to

a. spread Christianity throughout Canada
b. establish the fur trade
c. find a water route to Asia
d. find gold

3. Queen Elizabeth sent Frobisher in search of

a. the Northwest Passage
b. gold
c. trading partners
d. cheap Indian labor

4. King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth first targeted for colonization.

a. France
b. North Africa
c. Ireland
d. Cuba

5. A war between England and delayed the delivery of supplies for the Roanoke colony for three years.

a. Ireland
b. France
c. Spain
d. Germany

6. Who wrote the "Discourse on the Western Planting"?

a. Raleigh
b. Hakluyt
c. Gilbert
d. Hawkins

7. The majority of African slaves lost their freedom

a. as punishment for crimes
b. because of debts
c. through trickery
d. by being captured in war

8. By the 1640s, the principal crop grown in Barbados went from being tobacco to

a. sugar
b. corn
c. wheat
d. barley

9. The Dutch colony of New Netherland split to become the two proprietary colonies of

a. New York and Connecticut
b. New Jersey and Delaware
c. New Jersey and New York
d. Pennsylvania and Delaware

10. Relative to Virginia's economy, New England's economy was

a. more agricultural
b. less diversified
c. more rural
d. more diversified

11. Rice farming was very similar to the farming of

a. tobacco
b. cotton
c. sugar
d. wheat

12. What is the meaning of the term filles du Rol?

a. prostitutes
b. orphan girls
c. girls of the valley
d. king's daughters

13. Falling tobacco prices in the eighteenth century caused the colonists to

a. stop producing tobacco
b. produce less tobacco
c. produce more tobacco
d. stop shipping tobacco to England

14. The Puritans who founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony

a. were anti-Protestant
b. wanted to reform the Anglican Church
c. called for a mix of Catholic and Protestant beliefs
d. were favored by Queen Elizabeth over all others

15. Merchants often paid fishermen in New England on a

a. wage system
b. credit system
c. contract system
d. fixed schedule system

16. Northern farmers primarily relied upon for labor.

a. slaves
b. indentured servants
c. hired hands
d. their children

17. By 1750, which group dominated much of North America?

a. European colonists
b. African slaves
c. Native Americans
d. Russian fur traders

18. Labor costs in America were

a. about the same as in Europe
b. lower than in Europe
c. raised due to the supply of slaves
d. higher than in Europe

19. The French Jesuits generally utilized what to control Indian laborers?

a. economic pressure
b. military power
c. religious coercion
d. physical discipline

20. Family ties for slaves made life more tolerable, but hindered

a. escape plans
b. the work structure
c. relationships with masters
d. education

21. Why did few people immigrate to New England in the late eighteenth century?

a. The weather was too cold for the immigrants.
b. The government forbid immigration to those areas in high numbers.
c. Early settlers had already taken the best land.
d. New immigrants brought a religion that was different from the settlers of New England.

22. During the eighteenth century, the gap between the rich and poor in the colonies

a. narrowed
b. widened
c. widened, then narrowed
d. remained constant

23. Literacy rates among eighteenth-century colonists were

a. low relative to the rest of the world
b. lower than those witnessed during the seventeenth century
c. declining among women
d. high relative to the rest of the world

24. In the early eighteenth century, which group controlled California and Texas?

a. Spanish
b. French
c. English
d. Portuguese

25. Which of the following countries relied on Native American allies to secure their claims to North American territory?

a. France
b. England
c. Spain
d. Portugal

26. Between 1730 and 1770, the region known as the was settled primarly by German, Scots-Irish, and English settlers.

a. lowcountry
b. backcountry
c. western settlement
d. frontier

27. In the Grand Settlement of 1701, the Iroquois pledged neutrality with respect to England and

a. Holland
b. France
c. Spain
d. Portugal

28. How did the British respond to Braddock's defeat at Fort Duquesne?

a. They surrendered, ending the French and Indian War.
b. They attacked French settlements in Canada.
c. They paid the Iroquois to attack the French.
d. They installed a new commander and sent more troops.

29. In 1763, which of the following countries had the greatest North American presence?

a. France
b. England
c. Spain
d. Portugal

30. Which of the following was designed to address imperial financial concerns?

a. Sugar Act
b. Quartering Act
c. Navigation Act
d. Assembly Act

31. The British Constitution

a. as written in the latter part of the eighteenth century
b. is called the Magna Carta
c. evolved informally over many centuries
d. was ratified by the American colonies

32. What was the primary difference between the Stamp Act and the Sugar Act?

a. The Stamp Act was passed by Parliament, while the Sugar Act was passed by a colonial legislature.
b. The Stamp Act regulated commerce, while the Sugar Act was a tax.
c. The Stamp Act was imposed directly by the King, while the Sugar Act was passed by Parliament.
d. The Stamp Act was a direct tax inside the colonies, while the Sugar Act was an external trade duty.

33. What was a major cause behind the Regulator movement?

a. economic inequality
b. conflict with Indians
c. lack of fair political representation
d. British taxes

34. Aboard what ship did the "Boston Tea Party" take place?

a. Yankee
b. Cornell
c. Townshend
d. Dartmouth

35. The First Continental Congress created the to organize sanctions against the British

a. Stamp Act Congress
b. Sons of Liberty
c. committees of correspondence
d. Continental Association

36. Patriots made an effort to spread the news of the Battle of Lexington and Concord so that

a. they could garner support
b. the British would back off
c. British enemies would attack in Europe
d. they could raise market prices on exported goods

37. Why did a British officer remark that another victory like the Battle of Bunker Hill "would have ruined us"?

a. The British spend a great deal of money arming their soldiers.
b. The British suffered substantial casualties.
c. British morale was at an all-time low.
d. The battle caused fires that destroyed many resources.

38. In March 1776, the British evacuated their troops from Boston and moved to Halifax, because

a. Boston did not have strategic value
b. Halifax was a safer position
c. Boston was growing too dangerous
d. Halifax had more money

39. Why did the British troops lack supplies, even though they had sufficient money?

a. American troops frequently ambushed their suppliers.
b. Rebels damaged their supplies.
c. They got most of their supplies from the British Isles.
d. British troops used their supplies inefficiently.

40. Why is the Continental Army's winter at Valley Forge famous?

a. It was the first time the soldiers were able to rest in comfort.
b. It was the site of an epic battle and victory against the British.
c. George Washington was elected President there.
d. Thousands of soldiers died from cold, disease, and starvation.

41. who sided with the British suffered significantly when the war ended.

a. Women
b. Native Americans
c. Hessians
d. Frenchmen

42. The Constitutional Convention took place in

a. Philadelphia
b. Annapolis
c. New York
d. Washington, D.C.

43. What was difference between the population of New England compared to other regions?

a. It had the largest number of free blacks in America.
b. Catholics and Quakers made up a great deal of the population.
c. Women outnumbered men in parts of the region.
d. New Englanders exhibited the widest range of social diversity.

44. The most ethnically and religiously diverse region in early America was

a. the mid-Atlantic region
b. New England
c. the Carolinas
d. the Deep South

45. The

a. First
b. Fourth
c. Second
d. Fifth Amendment discussed the need for a well-regulated militia.

46. What bold plan did Hamilton create in an effort to address the Revolutionary War debt?

a. paying the debt with duty taxes and refusing to levy internal taxes
b. forcing the individual states to pay off their own accrued debts
c. having the federal government fund the national debt at its full value
d. refusing to have any financial relations with Great Britain

47. John Jay was sent to London in 1794 to

a. negotiate for American expansion into Canada
b. seek new markets for American tobacco and cotton
c. avert war with England over disputes about trade
d. threaten the British Parliament

48. Fries' Rebellion was spurred by

a. opposition to the Alien Acts
b. anger over the Direct Tax of 1798
c. discontent over trade policies with England
d. the XYZ affair

49. Prior to the Louisiana Purchase, Thomas Jefferson

a. secured approval to send Lewis and Clark on an expedition through upper Louisiana
b. withdrew all American troops from the Mississippi Valley
c. tried to slow the migration of American farmers into the Louisiana Territory
d. attempted to make an anti-British alliance with Napoleon

50. Support for the War of 1812 was strongest in

a. the South and the West
b. New England
c. the Federalist Party
d. areas unaffected by the depression

51. The American victory at New Orleans gained great national fame for

a. John Quincy Adams
b. Edwin Pakenham
c. Thomas MacDonough
d. Andrew Jackson

52. Newspaper reporters used the term "era of good feelings" to describe the presidency of

a. Thomas Jefferson
b. James Monroe
c. John Quincy Adams
d. John Adams

53. The main architect of the Missouri Compromise was

a. Daniel Webster
b. Henry Clay
c. William Crawford
d. Thomas Jefferson

54. A result of the Battle of Tippecanoe was

a. American military withdrawal from Indiana
b. an extended period of military success for the Indians
c. an apology issued by President Madison to the Indians
d. Tecumseh's alliance with Great Britain

55. Which group was an active participant in the Second Great Awakening?

a. Traditional Calvinists
b. Baptists
c. Roman Catholics
d. Congregational Presbyterians

56. The first presidential candidate of the Democratic Party was

a. Andrew Jackson
b. James Monroe
c. John C. Calhoun
d. Henry Clay

57. Jackson dominated his presidency with

a. republican ideals
b. the sheer force of his personality
c. fear and retribution
d. ideals from the French Revolution

58. The term Trail of Tears refers to the

a. slaughter of the Sauk and Fox Indians in Northern Illinois
b. plight of the yeoman farmer in the face of industrial power
c. system of separating families through the slave trade in the Deep South
d. horrifying conditions experienced by Cherokees during their removal

59. Andrew Jackson issued the Specie Circular, which prevented from being purchased with anything but specie.

a. cotton
b. slaves
c. substantial amounts of weapons
d. large tracts of public land

60. In the election of 1844,

a. Henry Clay suffered a landslide defeat
b. the Whigs held onto the presidential office
c. James Polk expressed expansionist ideas
d. pro-slavery voters supported the Whigs

61. Which of the following was a part of the Lower South?

a. North Carolina
b. Virginia
c. Maryland
d. Georgia

62. What was the average rate of return on capital invested in a slave?

a. 5 percent
b. 10 percent
c. 25 percent
d. 50 percent

63. Which of the following states experienced growth in the use of slaves during the 1850s?

a. Delaware
b. Arkansas
c. Virginia
d. Maryland

64. Poor living conditions and insufficient diets caused frequent outbreaks of among slaves.

a. malaria
b. small pox
c. scurvy
d. dysentery

65. Most free blacks in the South lived in

a. the Lower South
b. South Carolina
c. the Upper South
d. Texas

66. By the 1850s, which of the following was threatening the continued existence of slavery in the Lower South?

a. heavy taxes on planters who utilized slave labor
b. slavery was increasing in the Upper South
c. free labor was spreading rapidly in the Border South
d. most northerners believed in the complete equality of whites and blacks

67. Who first demonstrated the practical commercial use of the steamboat?

a. Samuel Slater
b. Robert Fulton
c. Samuel Morse
d. Walt Whitman

68. Which of the following was America's first large-scale, planned city for the sole purpose of manufacturing?

a. Lowell, Massachusetts
b. Rochester, New York
c. Reading, Pennsylvania
d. Buffalo, New York

69. The Sabbatarian movement

a. increased in power throughout the nineteenth century
b. was timid in the pursuit of its goals
c. wanted to curtail government and commercial activities on Sundays
d. was founded by Catholics

70. Beginning in 1830, women's reform efforts focused primarily on

a. benevolent outreach to all widows and orphans
b. increasing participation in religious services among the poor
c. challenging the male perogative and sexual double standard
d. charity toward the "deserving poor"

71. The first political demands for free tax-supported schools originated with the

a. American Temperance Society
b. American Tract Society
c. American Female Moral Reform Society
d. workingmen's movement

72. The Married Women's Property Act of 1860 allowed women in New York to

a. inherit property from their fathers
b. sue their husbands for an equal division of marital property in the event of divorce
c. sue their fathers and husbands if they deprived them of control of their wage income
d. establish bank accounts in their own names

73. Local associations known as claims clubs

a. enforced extralegal property rights for squatters
b. worked to stop slavery from spreading to the West
c. promoted an increase in profits for speculators
d. showed the national government's commitment to promoting slavery

74. The Southwest Ordinance allowed slavery in all territories south of the River.

a. Platte
b. Ohio
c. Colorado
d. Missouri

75. Which two tribes were defeated by whites in Black Hawk's War?

a. the Sioux and the Cheyennes
b. the Pawnees and the Chippewas
c. the Sauks and the Foxes
d. the Cherokees and the Creeks

76. The greatest cause of the 5,000 deaths that occurred on the Oregon Trail was

a. lack of water
b. starvation
c. disease
d. Indian raids

77. Mestizos were usually people who had a mixture of ancestry.

a. Indian and Spanish
b. African-American and European-American
c. Indian and African-American
d. Spanish and English

78. In the Treaty of , Mexico surrendered its claim to Texas north of the Rio Grande to the United States.

a. Guadalupe Hidalgo
b. the Alamo
c. Tomasito Guerra
d. Mexican Cession

79. One of the effects of the Fugitive Slave Act was to

a. create harmony between north and south
b. polarize north and south further
c. cause many escaped slaves to flee to Mexico
d. intimidate abolitionists

80. The greatest significance of California's desire to enter the Union was

a. the concern of Southerners that it would upset the balance of free and slave states
b. the large tax revenue it would provide to the federal treasury
c. the impact of California gold on the value of the dollar
d. how Mexico would react

81. Under the Compromise of 1850, which of the following would be able to choose whether to be a free or a slave state?

a. California
b. Oregon Territory
c. Minnesota Territory
d. Utah Territory

82. Who was an antislavery agitator in the middle of the violent confrontation in Kansas?

a. Hinton Rowan Helper
b. John Brown
c. Frederick Douglass
d. Charles Sumner

83. The Republican Party's first candidate in a presidential election was

a. Abraham Lincoln
b. John C. Fremont
c. William H. Seward
d. Thomas Hart Benton

84. Abraham Lincoln earned the Republican nomination for president by upsetting

a. Horace Greeley
b. Stephen Douglas
c. James Buchanan
d. William Seward

85. The declared president of the Confederate States was

a. Jefferson Davis
b. Robert E. Lee
c. John C. Calhoun
d. P.G.T. Beauregard

86. The Confederacy fired shots at Fort Sumter when Jefferson Davis discovered that

a. the Union army was closing in from the west
b. President Lincoln ordered that food be sent to the fort
c. Union gunners had fired upon Confederate positions
d. the Union was plotting to kill him

87. In the spring of 1862, the Confederacy

a. had to turn away recruits because so many had volunteered
b. enacted the first general draft in American history
c. was recognized by the government of England
d. exiled thousands of pro-Union southerners

88. When Joseph Johnston was badly wounded at the Battle of Seven Pines, he was replaced by

a. Ulysses S. Grant
b. Robert E. Lee
c. Thomas Jackson
d. Ambrose Burnside

89. The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution outlawed

a. slavery everywhere in the United States
b. slavery in just the Deep South
c. slavery in just the border states
d. illegal trade with the Confederacy

90. The bloodiest single day of fighting in American history occurred at

a. Antietam
b. Vicksburg
c. Fredericksburg
d. Seven Pines

91. The Homestead Act

a. granted 40 acres to settlers
b. was passed during the last days of the Civil War
c. was opposed by President Lincoln
d. required settlers to cultivate the land and build a house

92. After the election of 1864, the Republicans

a. controlled only the presidency
b. controlled only the presidency and the Senate
c. controlled only the presidency and the House
d. controlled the presidency, the Senate, and the House

93. Following the Civil War, most southern whites saw African Americans as

a. foreigners
b. neutral to their interests
c. adversaries
d. equals

94. By the 1880s, the value of black-owned farms was the value of white-owned farms.

a. half
b. a third
c. two-thirds
d. three-quarters

95. Sharecropping

a. led many blacks into increasing debt
b. did not attract many former slaves
c. was outlawed by Congress in 1874
d. did not have the support of state governments in the South

96. President Johnson, like most white northerners, believed that African Americans

a. should have a voice in government
b. lacked a free man's will
c. were inferior
d. deserved reparations

97. Which statement about the Fourteenth Amendment is true?

a. It weakened the Civil Rights Act of 1866.
b. It was supported by President Johnson.
c. It guaranteed all females the right to vote.
d. It guaranteed all citizens equality before the law.

98. In the presidential election of 1872, Ulysses S. Grant defeated the former Republican

a. Charles Sumner
b. Samuel Tilden
c. Horace Greeley
d. Horatio Seymour

99. Who were the main candidates in the presidential election of 1876?

a. Ulysses S. Grant and Horace Greeley
b. Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel Tilden
c. Samuel Tilden and Ulysses S. Grant
d. Horace Greeley and Rutherford B. Hayes

100. In the late 1870s, black economic status while white economic status

a. remained stable; experienced a depression
b. decreased; increased
c. increased; decreased
d. remained unchanged; declined

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History: Was an eloquent advocate for the indians of hispaniola
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