
Walden acquisition of able corporation


Able corp. is a power tool company with serious issues. They have no knowledge of their market share, the size of the market nor the dynamics that drive the market in their line of business. The cordless products sector is showing the most growth among all power tools. Their manufacturing facilities are located in high cost labor areas causing their product costs to be higher. Their current strategy for new products is first in, abandon and move on. This is because whenever they create a new product a competitor comes along and copies it, and able just gives up. Walden is a multination conglumerate that focuses on short term quarterly results. They expect profits to increase every quarter. Able is more focused on the long term of building market share. How could I reconcile ables long term goals with walden's short term goals.

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Finance Basics: Walden acquisition of able corporation
Reference No:- TGS01828391

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