Question 1: Describe the liability of employer for payment of wages. What are the permissible deductions from the wages of an employee under the payment of wages act?
Question 2: Describe the different provisions relating to promotion of health, safety and welfare of the workers in factories under the Factories Act.
Question 3: What is the process for fixation and revision of minimum wages under the minimum wages act 1948?
Question 4: Describe the principles developed by the supreme court of India with regard to fixation and revision of dearness allowance to industrial workers.
Question 5: Describe the concept of labor welfare and state provisions of the factories act 1948 relating to health, safety and welfare.
Question 6: Write brief notes on any two of the given:
a) Theories of wages.
d) Full bench formula.
c) ILO convention on wages.
d) Denial of minimum wages as forced labor.