
Von-mises failure envelope-mohr-s coulomb-s strength theory

1) Write down the different effects of compaction on properties of soil mass.

2) Describe the procedure of laboratory consolidation test on soil with neat and suitable sketches.

3) Clay layer has thickness of 5m and is subjected to pressure of 60KN/m2. If layer has double drainage and undergoes 50% consolidation in one year, then find out co-efficient of consideration taking Tv = 0.197. Also if the co-efficient of permeability is 0.025m/year, then find out the settlement in one year and rate of flow of water per unit area in one year.

4) Explain about detailed setup and procedure of Triaxial compression test and sketch the possible failure envelopes.

5) Write brief notes on the following;

a) Von-Mises failure envelope

b) Types of shear failures

c) Slip circle method.

d) Mohr’s coulomb’s strength theory

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Civil Engineering: Von-mises failure envelope-mohr-s coulomb-s strength theory
Reference No:- TGS012846

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