Question 1: A strong corporate identity can give an organization with a distinct competitive advantage. Illustrate what you understand by this statement and outline how advertising can contribute to the development of a good corporate image.
Question 2: Differentiate between voluntary and involuntary controls on advertising and describe their significance within a consumer-orientated society.
Question 3: Describe what you understand by the given advertising terms:
a) Trade advertising
b) Product range advertising
c) Pre-testing advertising research
Question 4: Describe the main merits and demerits of using television and national newspapers as the main advertising media for a company’s advertising campaign.
Question 5: Summarize the advantages and drawbacks related with using sales promotions as part of a company’s promotional campaign.
Question 6: You have been asked to make a report on the significance of advertising planning. Your report must describe the given topics:
a) Coverage of advertising media
b) Timing of advertising campaigns
c) Frequency of use of different media
What information would you comprise in your report?
Question 7: Write notes on three of the given:
a) Client brief
b) Advertising agency commission payment system
c) Media independents
d) Direct response advertising
Question 8: Differentiate between objective and task, competitive parity and percentage of sales as methods of finding out the size of the advertising budget.