
Vital signs of hospital patients are monitored and reported

Programming Project 3B

Vital signs of hospital patients are monitored and reported automatically.  While each monitor has alarms which go off when a reading is out of range, combinations of readings are also important.  Common vital signs and normal range is given below.

Pulse                 60-100

Respiration         12-20

Oxygen Level 92-100

Write a program to read a series of patient records from the file PATIENTS.TXT.  Each record contains the following fields delimited by a space: first name, lastname, pulse, respiration, oxygen, room. The file contains and unknown number of records. A sample file might resemble the following

Buster Leggs 88 44 88 120

Charlie Horse  56 15 95 011

Wilma Moneylast 132 18 98 200

Willie Makit 75 30 94 121

Betty Wont 50 10 90 000

Eaton Buggs 79 16 97 111

Freda Spirit 110 23 90 220

Categorize each reading as Low, Normal or High.  Print the result in the report detailed below.

Tag each record as according to the following and print any needed messages in the report for each record

CHECK - one indicator out of range

ALERT - two indicators out of range

CRITICAL - three  indicators out of range

Room Name                   Pulse    Respir   Oxygen
120  Leggs, Buster          88       High=44   Low=88  ALERT***
011  Horse, Charlie         Low=56   15       95      CHECK
200  Moneylast, Wilma       High=132 18       98      CHECK
111  Makit, Willie          75       20       94     
000  Wont, Betty            Low=50   Low=10   Low=90  CRITICAL****
111  Buggs, Eaton           79       16       97
220  Spirit, Freda          High=110 High=23  Low=90  CRITICAL**** 
  2 Normal

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Basic Computer Science: Vital signs of hospital patients are monitored and reported
Reference No:- TGS01380293

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