
Visit the shrm website and search for hr disciplines list

1. Are people always an organization's most valuable asset? Why or why not?

2.Visit the SHRM website and search for HR disciplines. List and briefly describe current HR disciplines. Which of these are you most interested in learning about? Why?

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) https://www.shrm.org

3.The way management treats the employees is the way employees will treat the customers."

Fortunemagazine's annual ranking of the "100 Best Companies to Work for."
Here is the link to the list of companies that made the list. https://www.greatplacetowork.net/best-companies/north-america/united-states/fortunes-100-best-companies-to-work-forr/1836-2014

Take a look at the list and choose 1 company. Tell your classmates and how this companies HR focus contributes to their landing on this list. Be sure to tell us the company you choose and the benefits available. Please mention the number of employees. If you have experience with the company and want to share it please do so.

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Other Subject: Visit the shrm website and search for hr disciplines list
Reference No:- TGS01176913

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