Social Media's Effect on Loyalty
Instructions: Follow carefully
Visit a website such as Amazon or Barnes and Noble and locate three recent books that discuss the effects of social media on customer loyalty and retention.
Prepare a one-page report summarizing three pieces of key information from each book. Often the websites have a section for each book that gives an Overview or Editorial Reviews of the book that will provide the information you need. (Exceptional Customer Service: Online Research Activity Project 3.2 pg. 53 in text)
Be sure to include the author's names
Check anything APA at Purdue Online Writing Lab.
APA is always double space, no more no less.
The title page must have a header and page number. Center of title page has the title of the assignment, your name, and college name. NO MORE!
Don't forget the References page. If you list a reference, it must also appear as an in-text citation and visa versa. 9. Never use Works Cited on the References page. Use the word References.
You should submit
A word document containing your review of three books.
You must format your paper according to APA style. Not sure how? Review the information on APA style format in this course.
If you need assistance with APA style format, review the resources available in the Writing Resources area of the course