
Visit a website for a new york city based hospitality

Please only use the new, attached updated rubric for reference


Visit a WEBSITE for a New York City based hospitality enterprise and perform a Servicescaping analysis using the Bittner Model.

1). The website you choose must be of an establishment (bar, hotel, café, restaurant) to which you have NEVER been and it must have been open in its current incarnation not prior to January 1, 2018.

2). This analysis will be based on Mary Jo Bitner's model of Servicescapes and should comprehensively assess your chosen establishment based on the three environmental dimensions of Servicescaping:

Ambient Conditions


Signs, Symbols & Artifacts

Note: All three environmental dimensions must be addressed.

3). You will need to view the website (no social media pages, Yelp reviews, or 3rd party websites) carefully in order to imagine, anticipate and expect what your internal responses (cognitive, emotional and physiological) will be upon your FIRST visit to the hospitality enterprise you have chosen.

Note: Although you may not be able to use all of your senses in this assessment regarding Ambient Conditions (identifying aromas or hearing music for example) the written components presented on the website as well as visuals may be relevant to contributing to your anticipated experience of an actual visit.

DO NOT critique the website without context as to why you justify each particular critique (don't say, "I hate the font and color scheme," but instead explain why those colors might not make sense for the concept based on what we discussed about colors in class, and how it made you feel in relation to the expectations of the experience had at the concept as a result of researching it).

4). You should identify any unique or "distinguishing characteristics" which seem highly significant to the environmental dimensions of Servicescaping and your reactions (internal responses) to them.

5). Insert photos or verbal descriptions that you analyze in the report (not counted in the report length).

6). After the evaluation of the online experience (including emotional response) of the website, visit the establishment and compare and contrast expectations (physical, conceptual, mental, etc) to reality.

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Operation Management: Visit a website for a new york city based hospitality
Reference No:- TGS02939889

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