
Visit a professional individual and offer yourself as a

Visit a professional individual and offer yourself as a "consultant" to the person. During your meeting you will present to them how sociology could provide insights, ideas, and relevance to their field of work.

You must receive approval from your instructor to interview the professional you choose, before doing so. Possibilities include educators, business persons, clergy and religious figures, urban planners, economists, and government/political leaders. These are merely suggestions.

The point is to stress to this person how sociological knowledge can help them, and in turn, how the discipline of sociology could be enlightened by the types of work and activity he or she is involved in.

(Readings will provide examples of applying sociology in a number of fields and settings.)

Part 1: Create a 10 slide Power point presentation based on your experiences as a consultant

The rubric tells you what the instructor is looking for and how presentations will be evaluated.

Part 2: In addition, students will submit a typed 5-page report describing this experience, (double-spaced, including a title page and a reference page,12-point font, with one-inch margins), and formatted in American Sociological Association (ASA) style.

Minimally, the Field Consultant Project Report should include information regarding the following:

The professional to whom you offered your consultation services (Who was it? What is their profession? What did you learn about their profession? Why did you select this person/profession?)

A description of the meeting (What sociological ideas did you offer the professional? How were your ideas received? What insights did the professional offer that would enlighten sociology?)

Key to this activity is recognizing the translation from the discipline of sociology to the rest of society. For example, (this is by no means a total list):

What we learn... It's rough translation...

*Social Research Methods and Statistics

*Market research


*Program Evaluation


*Total Quality Management or Control

*Social Psychology

*Data Analyst

*Formal Organizations

*Strategic planning Forecaster

*County or urban planning

*Market analysis

*Human resources specialist

*Human resource development

*Organizational development

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Dissertation: Visit a professional individual and offer yourself as a
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