
Vision for teaching and learning

Teachers encompass a powerful role in the classroom and larger school community. School teachers, administrators and educators or trainers make hundreds of decisions a day; such decisions influence many people. As such, it is significant for educators to ground their decisions in research and in a vision. In this, you will learn how to make data-based decisions based on the action research principles and apply numerous principles of your MAED program. But before you can do that, you should explore, reflect on, and solidify your own beliefs regarding teaching and learning, especially for diverse student populations. This vision will continue to develop and will continually be refined as you gain more experience and practice.

Read Phelps's article entitled, "Helping Teachers Become Leaders." Compare and contrast his statement with at least two vision statements which you find through a Google search. In the discussion forum, make your own vision statement. Phelps gives an illustration in the article. As Phelps (2008) proposes, go beyond mantras like "all students can learn." The heart of your vision must address an educational dilemma in a diverse learning context. For illustration, a possible dilemma in the mantra "all students can learn," is that there are teachers who believe that some students do not learn which is indicative of a "one size fits all" kind of teaching. Your vision statement will address a problem you see in education and explain how you select to resolve that problem. Reflect on how your beliefs will persuade your classroom practices. As Phelps indicates, "Formulating one's vision in writing makes its accomplishment more likely"

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