Q1. A proton that absorbs radio frequency radiation at higher field strength will appear _____ in a 1H NMR spectrum.
a. at 0 ppm
b. downfield (away from TMS)
c. upfield (closer to TMS)
d. at 7.27 ppm just like CDCl3
Q2. The carbonyl peak of benzaldehyde appears as a very strong and intense peak at 1703 cm^-1. Normally the carbonyl peak of an aldehyde appears at 1725 cm^-1. Why does the carbonyl peak of benzaldehyde appear at a lower frequency?
a. resonance
b. electronegativity
c. conjugation
d. induce dipole
Q3. Predict the splitting pattern for each kind of hydrogen in the following molecule. (Make splitting assignments starting with the methyl group on the left end with the methyl group on the right). CH3CH2COOCH3
a. triplet, quartet, singlet
b. multiplet, multiplet, triplet
c. singlet, triplet, quartet
d. doublet, doublet, singlet