
Violent crimes and economic crimes

Generate a chart or table that lists a variety of crimes types. Your chart should include at least four types of crimes and should include violent crimes and economic crimes as two of the types. For each type of crime you list, provide a description of the cause of that type of crime. A third coloum on your chart should list the sociological theory that best fits what you describe as the cause of that type of crime. Working from the information presented in the chart, write a synopsis (250-500 words) in which you take the next step a propose a social solution for each type of crime you idenfified in the chart, if, foe example, one type of crime is prosperity crime in which one's property is taken away or destroyed, you might think that the root cause is proverty and that social process theory ecplain this cause. Then in your synopsis, you would describe an antiprovity program that would minimize proverty in this country and thus reduce this type of crime.

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Basic Statistics: Violent crimes and economic crimes
Reference No:- TGS0528020

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