
Violence and media involving mental health- write an essay

Topic :Violence and Media involving mental health

Essay : "Cultural Critique in the Form of a Rogerian Argument using Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning".

This assignment asks that you perform research, organize your collected material, and write an essay that argues for the solution of a social problem involving media violence and mental health.

Section I: Knowledge
The first part of the paper will identify and describe the problem and its predominant core value that is generally held by those who have created the problem and by those most affected by it.
Be sure to establish common ground by citing values and describing experiences that you and your reader share.

Section II: Comprehension
This part of the paper will demonstrate your understanding of the problem by your describing its effects and classifying those effects based on the various values that society has placed on these effects and will explain the relationship between those effects. Recall your understanding of cause and effect analysis that you learned in ENGL 101.

Section III: Application and Analysis
This part demonstrates your understanding of the problem by choosing examples of the apparent activities and identifying how well each of those activities demonstrates the societal values. It will construct an argument that shows the societal values to be either adhered to or not adhered to and will be an analysis of the values that society believes to be important. A typical paragraph might be organized like this:

  • Topic sentence stating value
  • Evidence that this value exists
  • An example of the social behavior that exemplifies the value in action
  • Your belief in how well the action represents societal values
  • Your beliefs about what needs to be resolved in order to live up to your values or what values need to change in order to live up to your solution


Section IV: Synthesis
This part elaborates on application and analysis by providing a discussion about how the problem could be solved. What plans would you like to see made and implemented? Develop an argument for the societal improvement. You might consider interviewing members affected by the problem or who would benefit from the solution to support your argument.

Section V: Evaluation
Compare or contrast your plan to another problem and solution to help defend your position. Determine the best course of action for your solution. Prioritize the elements of the solution and your response to those elements.

Section VI: Meta-Evaluation
Evaluate your own evaluation of your solution. Are there any arguments that you make that your reader might object to? State the objection and your refutation of it in the same paragraph. You may have more than one objection BUT use only one objective and refutation per paragraph. Don't cram them all together.

Section VII: Conclusion
What is the value of your critique of this problem and solution? How will it help to improve the society? Finally, what is the larger context in which your solution belongs? What is the larger context in which your evaluation belongs, i.e., how does it help society at large if your solution were to be implemented?

The Fine Print of the Assignment:
Research is required for this essay. Your paper MUST include references from the following:

At least one book NOTE: Reading the whole book is not necessary. You will refer to only a page or a few pages that contain passages that help to build your argument. You may use Mary de Young's book Madness to fulfill this requirement.

At least two major newspaper, e.g., The New York Times, The Washington Post NOTE: These can be found on the internet.

At least one interview of a member of society who is affected by the problem or the solution. NOTE: A typed transcript of the interview must be submitted with the paper. The interview may be conducted either on the phone or via email, NOT via text.

At least two full text electronic sources found through the Thurgood Marshall library, e.g., EbscoHost.

Sources that are NOT suitable are blogs and wiki files.

Use a minimum of 6 sources and a maximum of 10 sources. A good number to do a thorough job would be roughly 6-8 sources. The number of pages for the Final Draft should be 6-8 PLUS the works cited list.

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Term Paper: Violence and media involving mental health- write an essay
Reference No:- TGS02169908

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