
Views of mary parker follett on dynamic administration

Answer the following questions.

Question 1) Explain the relationship between The State, Market and Civil Society.

Question 2) The Marxist perspective of state is regarded as the class theory of state. Explain in detail.

Question 3) Explain the concept of New Public Management.

Question 4) Explain on institutional devices and strategies for redressal of citizen grievances.

Question 5) Write brief notes on the following:

a) Critique of webiar model of bureaucracy

b) Ethical concerns in administration.

c) Role of civil society in administrative reforms.

Question 6) Describe the concept of Politics/Administration dichotomy.

Question 7) Give a critique of Max Weber’s theory of Bureaucracy.

Question 8) Explain the views of Mary Parker Follett on dynamic administration.

Question 9) Write a note on the decision-making approach of Herbert Simon.

Question 10) Explain the motivation theory of Abraham Maslow.

Question 11) Write brief notes on:

a) Governance

b) New Public Service

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Reference No:- TGS04809

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