Viewing the casta paintings and indigenous knowledge videos

Problem: After viewing the casta paintings and indigenous knowledge videos, please write a brief summary, reaction piece to it.  What did you find most interesting?  What did you learn that you didn't know?  What shocked you or confused you?  What links can you make to the present-day issues we are facing?  What big themes came up in the videos?  How does the video change your understanding of race, class/caste, European domination, color, and indigenous culture in Latin America?   These are all potential questions you can answer.   Just react to the video and the issues that emerge from it in an informal way, as if you are writing in your journal about it.   

YouTube Video: Casta Paintings: An Introduction

YouTube Video: Pride and anxiety in New Spain: Francisco Clapera, set of sixteen Casta paintings, c. 1775

YouTube Video: Indigenous Knowledge and the Making of Colonial Latin America (Video 2 of 7)

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