
View the video animal weapons

Topic: Insect


View the video Animal Weapons: Episode: Chemical Warfare from link on Blackboard. Skip the ad, and fast forward to begin the video at the time 8:13. Watch the video until time 25:28 is reached Animal Weapons: Episode Chemical Warfare

1. View the video Animal Weapons: Episode 1 Chemical Warfare from link on Blackboard. Skip the ad, and fast forward to begin the video at the time 8:13. Watch the video until time 25:28 is reached. (You may watch the entire video, but the times listed are where you will find information regarding this assignment.) As needed, click the CC button in the lower right corner of the video screen to view captions. Additionally, a printed page of the dialogue is available on the course Blackboard page.

2. Answer the following questions for sections A, B ,and C in complete sentences. *Remember, responses are NOT limited to space provided below each question. Follow the formatting sample to complete the assignment.

A. Scorpion:

QUESTION 1: How does having multiple defense options benefit scorpions?

QUESTION 2: Why is it important for them to reserve there venom?

QUESTION 3: What type of scorpion is depicted?

B. Ants:

QUESTION 1: Why do you think the males of funnel spiders have more potent venom than females?

QUESTION 2: The bulldog ant has thousands of members per colony, which is much smaller compared colonies of other ant species. Explain why a colony with fewer members than most other species colonies’ would have such strong venom.

C. Sydney Funnel Web Spider:

QUESTION 1: The video featured creatures from various regions of the world. Would the risk of these creatures prevent you from travelling to those locations? Has risk prevented you from going somewhere or doing something? Explain your answer.

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