
View the how technology will shape the next decade video


Discussion - Technology

View the "How Technology Will Shape the Next Decade" video case and then post a new thread to this discussion board that addresses the following:

  • What are some of the ways that technology has changed the way you learn over the past few years?
  • How do you think college courses will change over the next decade to incorporate technology?
  • In what ways do you feel technology has enhanced your learning experience, both in face-to-face courses and in online courses? 
  • What do you think is the biggest disadvantage of using technology in college courses?

Your initial posting is due by midnight Thursday of this module. This posting, consisting of a minimum of 4 full PARAGRAPHS , must include chapter ideas and concepts to support your answers. Please make certain to cite any outside sources used. To post, click the "Reply" arrow at the lower left.

After reading all of your classmates' postings, please respond to at least one (1) classmate with a substantive post. To be considered substantive, responses should add significantly to the discussion by building on others' comments, suggesting alternatives, pointing out problems and even disagreeing (constructively and respectfully). Responses such as "I agree" or "I feel the same way" are not acceptable. Make sure you substantiate any comments you make with good reasons, based on professional experience or solid research if applicable (including citations). Responses to classmates need to be made no later than midnight Sunday of this module.


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Business Management: View the how technology will shape the next decade video
Reference No:- TGS02645450

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