
View the film rebel without a cause write a 2-3 page film

View the film Rebel Without a Cause. Write a 2-3 page film review discussing how this film addresses some of the major issues of post-war American society. Remember that this is a work of fiction (not a documentary), and that the filmmaker (Nicholas Ray) and screenwriters (Stewart Stern and Irving Shulman) use the film to comment on and critique American society of the time. What are they saying about social problems and their solutions?

You will want to pay particularly close attention to issues like gender hierarchies and roles, concerns over growing youth culture and perceptions of juvenile delinquency, ideologies of "normalcy," and the growth of the suburban middle-class.

Feel free to use outside print sources to support your analysis.

Cite the film as follows:

Rebel without a Cause. Directed by Nicholas Ray. Warner Bros., 1955.

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History: View the film rebel without a cause write a 2-3 page film
Reference No:- TGS01601149

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