For this assignment, view one of the films listed below, and then write a 3 paragraph response that does the following:
• Summarize the film
o be sure to note the director, year of release, and leading actors
• Make a critical connection between the film and any element (topic, idea, controversy, etc) of the class
• Discuss how the film contributes (or not) to the understanding of American literature or history
As always, be sure to include a correct MLA citation for the film (consult your handbook!)
Your response should be carefully written and thoughtfully composed. Students will not earn extra credit automatically... you have to earn it!
• Drums Along the Mohawk (dir. Ford, with Henry Fonda)
• Last of the Mohicans (dir. Mann, with Daniel Day-Lewis)
• The Scarlet Letter (dir. Joffe, with Demi Moore)
• Amistad (dir. Speilberg, with Djimon Honsou)
• Master and Commander (dir. Weir, with Russell Crowe)
• The Patriot (dir. Emmerich, with Mel Gibson)
• Sleepy Hollow (dir. Burton, with Johnny Depp)
• Apocalypto (dir. Gibson, with Gerardo Terecena)
• The New World, (dir. Malick, with Colin Farrell)
• The American (dir. Corbijn with George Clooney)
• Lincoln (dir. Speilberg, with Daniel Day Lewis)