Many of us in the United States view McDonald's as a classic American company.
he purpose of this assignment is for you to compare and contrast its efforts around globe with those in North America.
Go to the McDonald's si
te and view its USmarketing efforts.From the USA home page, click on the "website" link at the bottom left and then onhe international link. Browse at least 10 of the countries shown. Note: each time yo
o so, you will be directed first to a page "Leaving McDonald's Web Site". Click
"continue" to go to the country site of your choice.
What similarities in the product offerings do you find? Differences? From the
erspective of "global product or service strategies" (text page 150), what producttrategy is McDonald's pursuing? How effective would it appear to be? Provide upporting data.
Prepare a two-page (600 words maximum) submission addressing these issues, and ubmit it in Blackboard in a .doc or .docx format.