
Victims of a work-related injury or illness

Complete the mcq:

1. Which of hte following is illegal under the Taft-Harley act?

a. Strike

b. Picketing

c. Primary boycott

d. Secondary boycott

e. Lockout

2. The concept of liability without fault provides that workers who are victims of work-related injury or illness are granted benefits regardless of who is responsible for the accident, injury, or illness.


3. The benefit check for lost work is paid at about one-third of the average weekly wage.


4. Penalties of up to $70,000 may be proposed for each willful violation, with a minimum penalty of $5,000 for each violation.

5. EAPS are designed to treat as well as prevent employee problems.


6. Worker's compensation is based upon the principle that, victims of a work-related injury or illness:

a. are granted benefits regardless of who is responsible for the accident, injury, or illness.

b. must prove that the employer directly or indirectly caused the accident, injury, or illness in order to receive benefits.

c. must sue the company in order to receive benefits.

d. are most likely to sue OSHA for wrongful-doing.

e. should be granted compensation only at the discretion of the employer and the union.

7. Under OSHA requirements:

a. employers with 8 or more employees must maintain records of occupational injuries and illnesses as they occur.

b. all employers irrespective of the size of their organization must maintain records of occupational injuries and illnesses as they occur.

c. employers with 11 or more employees must maintain records of occupational injuries and illnesses as they occur.

d. employers in only those industries listed as "most hazardous" must keep records of occupational injuries and illnesses as they occur.

e. all unions must maintain safety records.

8. Merit Voluntary Protection Programs:

a. is the most demanding and most prestigious of the OSHA voluntary protection programs.

b. are designed for worksites with Star level quality safety and health protection to test alternatives to current Star eligibility and performance requirements.

c. motivate other companies to achieve excellent safety and health results in the same outstanding way.

d. is required under Workers Compensation.

e. is by far the most effective employee approach to safety.

9. Which of the following conditions can act as a highly effective stress reducer?

a. An employee assistance program is available.

b. Elder care programs are available.

c. Management appreciates humor in the workplace.

d. Employees are recognized and rewarded for their contributions.

e. Employees can put up personal items in their work areas.

10. __________ is defined as "a situation where job-related factors affect a worker's psychological and/or physiological condition such that the person deviates from normal functioning."

a. Work sickness

b. Job stress

c. Job burnout

d. Environmental illness

e. Employee withdrawal

11. Simply requiring all employees to attend training can be a waste of time and money. In an effort to better identify individual training needs, one should conduct a(n):

a. job analysis

b. organizational analysis

c. person analysis

d. work-oriented analysis

e. task-oriented analysis

12. Which of the following is an indicator of highly injurious level of workplace violence?

a. Pushing, fistfights

b. Theft

c. Sabotage

d. Psychological trauma

e. Major violations of company policy

13. What type of evaluation measures should HR professionals collect if they want to assess the extent to which trainees' understand the materials/concepts presented in training?

a. Behavioral

b. Organizational results

c. Reaction

d. Learning

e. Attitudes

14. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding employee orientation programs?

a. Fewer companies are placing their new employees in orientation programs as the cost does not outweigh the benefits.

b. The intent of the orientation is to increase an employee's job satisfaction and to reduce turnover.

c. Most employee orientation programs are not properly planned, implemented, or evaluated.

d. Most orientation programs consist of a follow-up meeting to verify that the important issues have been addressed and employee s have been answered.

15. You have been assigned to develop a training program for newly hired first-line sales managers to cover such topics as company policies and procedures, handling customer complaints, and motivating sales personnel. Which of the following is not recommended?

a. Create a training environment that allows for maximum learning.

b. Emphasize the learning principle of over-learning and retention.

c. Because of their lack of experience as supervisors, it would be inadvisable to consult them

d. Depending on the competence of their managers, you may want to consider on-the-job training.

e. Use role playing and behavior modeling to help them learn how to deal with customer complaints and motivate others.

16. __________ is a feeling of control and accomplishment.

a. Locus of control

b. Positive attitude

c. Consciousness

d. Overlearning

e. Self-efficacy

17. Which of the following is a definition of a career development system?

a. An organizational process which involves preparing, implementing, and monitoring career plans undertaken by an individual alone or within the organization's career systems.

b. A formal, organized, planned effort to achieve a balance between individual career needs and organizational workforce requirements.

c. An attempt by an individual to become more aware of his or her own skills, interests, values, opportunities, constraints, choices, and consequences.

d. An individually perceived sequence of attitudes and behaviors associated with work-related activities and experiences over the span of a person's life.

e. A process that has an "internal" and an "external" focus.

18. All of the following are information services used to compile and communicate career-related information EXCEPT:

a. job-posting systems

b. skills inventories

c. career ladders

d. promotability forecasts

e. career resource centers

19. Which of the following is an organizational assessment program?

a. Succession planning

b. Realistic recruitment

c. Career workbooks

d. Skills inventory

e. Career center

20. Which of the following organizational change initiative refocuses around core competencies?

a. Delayering

b. Reorganization

c. Decentralizing

d. Competency remeasurement

e. Performance-related pay

21Programs that provide information on an organization's policies, procedures, rules, work requirements, and other sources of information are called __________

a. orientation programs

b. socialization programs

c. executive coaching programs

d. repatriation programs

e. supervisor training programs

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Reference No:- TGS01839512

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