
Very simply put the nature folks say people are who they

Question: One of the ongoing debates about how people develop is Nature vs Nurture.

- Very simply put, the Nature folks say people are who they are because of their genetic makeup (what they were born with). The Nurture folks say people are who they are because of the experiences they had as they grew.

- The truth is that development is generally an interaction of what you were born with and what you experienced. If you were born with amazing musical ability but your family thought music was a waste of time, would your musical talent (nature) ever develop (lack of nurture)?

- For this assignment I want you to think about 3 characteristics or abilities that you have. Do you think you were born with them? If so, what makes you think that? If you don't think you were born with them, how did they develop? In what ways did your upbringing (experiences, environment) support and influence them?

- There are no wrong answers here! The goal of this assignment is to get you thinking about your own development, and to make sure you understand the formatting requirements for written assignments as well as how to submit them.

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Dissertation: Very simply put the nature folks say people are who they
Reference No:- TGS02305277

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