
Verify that the operators in equation 3 do in fact commute

Instructions: Carefully read the paper "Quantum mysteries revisited" by N. DanidMermin and answer the following:

1) Verify that the operators in Equation (3) do in fact commute with each other by carrying out the required pair interchanges.

2) Verify that the eigenvalues of each operator can in fact be only +1 or -1.

3) Using the fundamental properties of σx and σy (Eqn. A1), verify that the state vector at the top of page 734 is in fact the correct one for the eight possible combinations of individual spins, and the state vector at the foot of page 733 does in fact correspond to the +1 eigenvalue. Note that a superscript 'a' denotes operation on the first state in the triad, a superscript ‘b' on the second, and a superscript ‘c' on the third.

4) Verify Eqn (5), noting the KEY paragraph below ("The crucial minus sign...").

5) Comment on the physical significance of this remarkable gedanken experiment.

Attachment:- Mermin on Greenberger.pdf

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Mechanical Engineering: Verify that the operators in equation 3 do in fact commute
Reference No:- TGS02241449

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