Verify that Hicksian and Walrasian demand coincide.
That is, check that for any strictly positive p1, p2,and w, h*1 (p1; p2; v(p1; p2; w)) = x*1 (p1; p2; w) and h*2 (p1; p2; v(p1; p2; w)) = x*2 (p1; p2; w) and check that for any strictly positive p1, p2,and v is in [u (0);supx2Rn + u (x)] x*1 (p1; p2; e(p1; p2; v)) = h*1 (p1; p2; v) and x*2 (p1; p2; e(p1; p2; v)) = h*2 (p1; p2; v).