1. Verify that the functions (x + y')(y + z) and xy + xz + y'z are equivalent.
2. Show the truth tables for the following functions:
a) wx + xz + y'
b) w+x+y+z
c) w'x'yz + w'xyz + w'x'yz' + w'xyz'
3. Verify DeMorgan's Law, as presented in Section 1.1.2.
4. Using DeMorgan's Law, give equivalent functions for the following.
a) (wxyz)'
b) (wx)' + (y + z')'
c) (wx)' + (wy)' + (wz)' + (xy)' + (xz)' + (yz)'
5. For the following Karnaugh maps, show the maximum groupings and minimal logic equation.

6. For the following karnaugh maps, show the maximum groupings (including don't cares if appropriate) and minimal logic equation.

7. For the following equations, construct the Karnaugh map, group terms, and generate equivalent minimal equations.
a) w'y'z + wxy' + w'xz + wxy
b) w'x'y'z' + w'xy' + wy'z' + wxy'z + wyz'
c) w'x'yz' + w'x'y'z + w'xy'z' + w'xyz + wx'y'z' + wx'yz + wxy'z + wxyz'
8. Draw the circuit that implements each of the following equations.
a) w + xz + w'xy'
b) (wx + xy + yz)'
c) ((w'x)' + (yz'))'