
ventures in spacesometimes the atmospheric

Ventures in Space:

Sometimes the atmospheric conditions distort the light or radiowaves coming  in from space. For instance, there may be a storm disturbing the radiowaves. Or clouds may obscure light. Then it is not possible to study  the universe in these regions of  the electromagnetic spectrum. Even otherwise, modern science and technology have given astronomers several new ways and means of  probing the universe. We will briefly describe each one of  them. Observatories in Space With the coming of  the Space Age, observatbri&equipped  with telescopes and cameras could be placed right in space, beyond the Earth's atmosphere.

An observatory in space may be in the form of an orbiting satellite like the Unmanned Orbiting Solar Observatories, Orbiting Astronomical Observatory, Skylab, Einstein Observatory, IRAS (Infra Red-Astronomy Satellite) and many others. An observatory may also be  stationed on the Moon or any other planet having  suitable temperature andother conditions. Instruments are also put aboard high flying balloons, rockets and aircrafts  to record observations. These observatories can record radiation from a cosmic object in the regions of  the spectrum such as the IR, UV, gamma rays and X-rays that do not penetrate the Earth's atmosphere.  

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Science: ventures in spacesometimes the atmospheric
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