
Venture of immigrant entrepreneurs in usa

The Venture of Immigrant Entrepreneurs in USA:

This is my Research Paper Topic:The Venture of Immigrant Entrepreneurs in USA.

Statement: As the world becomes smaller, economic and trade become more dependent on technology,entrepreneurship is a major driving force for growth in an increasingly competitive global market. Finally, more entrepreneurs are being born with a global orientation.

Question: During their business expanding abroad, they may face the challenges from the local culture, policy and religion. Expose the problems that they will face in the USA and find the ways to solve it.what are some of the difficulties that global entrepreneurs face legally when entering the United States market? I think this what you are trying to get at

The questions in research paper that I may analysis are showed below:


1. visa:  shortcoming of U.S.immigration policy-EB-S status is one of the most complicated in law

2. cost: Area in high-skill immigration is the fees

3. Government’s oversight: companies spend time and resource to answer questions rather than focusing on competing

4. Lack of green cards

You can add more or delete these questions!

Individual  Written Assignment: The mid-term shall consist of miniature organizational projects and conceptual essays.  The goal of the research proposal is for an academic presentation and maybe a publication. The research proposal will be evaluated on its merit to identify a research question in the area of global entrepreneurship, and prepare a potential study to address this research question. The paper should have an introduction, literature argument that presents the propositions to test, a discussion and conclusion.

For the research option you would follow the APA format and the resulting paper would be not less than 15 pages and not more than 30 pages (double spaced with 1 inch margins).

Here the instruction:

Midterm Research Paper Guidelines

To write a research paper you have to start with an idea, hypothesis, or research questions, that you would like to test. This is often the hardest part of the research process. To keep everyone on track, you will email  in a paragraph describing: 1. your hypothesis and 2. A short statement about why this is an interesting research question. You should be able to create both of these in about a half page. You must get approval on your topic before you begin to write the paper.

If your question is  too wide, you can only cover it super?cially. The better de?ned your question, the  deeper and more detailed your answer/paper will be. You should be able to state your research question clearly and concisely.

Do not choose a yes-no question. A yes-no question is usually not a good research question. Research in the social sciences is founded on the recognition of the complexity of social phenomena. In social science research, we are more interested in knowing why things are as they are and how they work. A yes-no answer to a research question might sidestep important issues by evading the search for the reasons why yes or no is the answer, and the implications of that answer. Instead of devising your research problem as a yes-no question, you can instead inquire about the factors that affect that issue, how changes in one variable affect another, the consequences of one option, etc.

Research Paper Instructions:

All work is expected to be your own! If you have any questions about citations, quotes, or plagiarism please refer to the academic intergirty policy at University of South Florida.

Title Page:

This page gives the title, date and your name and address. The title is extremely important, as it is your first opportunity to attract or discourage readers. It should give a balance between details and generality – broad enough to entice many readers to look at the paper yet specific enough to hit the target audience.


This is a self-contained paragraph which encapsulates the entire study: purpose, methods, results, interpretation. It is normally no more than one double-spaced page and its page is separate from the Introduction. The abstract appears first but it is often best to write this last, after all else is done. It is essentially a separate, miniature version of the whole paper rather than a part of it. It must include a brief introduction, description of key methods and results, and some interpretation.


This section provides background information and leads the reader by the hand from the general scientific questions to what was actually done in the study.

Therefore, it is not the place for an exhaustive literature review but should indicate the scientific scope of the study, why the study was conducted (i.e., what is incomplete about our knowledge of the subject and why more information is useful or interesting) and cite pertinent work by others. The Introduction should begin rather broadly and get progressively more specific, ending with a paragraph more or less as follows: “To test the hypothesis that women have lower international growth goals than men, we conducted a study… “See issues of journals in the library for examples. This statement of goals and objectives is absolutely essential to the paper. If you cannot state the objective clearly and succinctly, the reader will be lost, and it will also be impossible for you to structure the Literature Review and Discussion, and Conclusion.

Literature Review:

Include a literature review in which you survey the most important sources. Your survey of the sources should be analytical, focusing in your reading of the sources on the angle from which you chose to address the topic. Try to embed your paper in the existing literature by engaging with it critically from a novel angle, while showing how your paper presents a new and original contribution to that literature. Literature review  should be 3-4 pages for graduate students. This section focuses on  what prior work has found in regards to this research question.

You will outline prior evidence and highlight how this evidence helps answer your research question and reach a conclusion. The purpose of this section is to make an argument for the position, or answer you have come to for your research questions. All research cited must address the argument and content of the paper.


The typical Discussion begins with a concise wrap-up of the salient results and then goes on to explain what the prior evidence you collected means. What are the practical implications of what you have learned? Do the best you can interpreting what you have. Also you should identify what future research might want to address and investigate to extend current theoretical understandings of the phenomena your research question addressed. Try to save the most speculative ideas for last and focus on the applications of the results to what is known (has been published) on the subject. Try to keep a broad perspective. Your discussion will be easy to follow for the reader if it is organized around the objectives of the study. Think clearly and write concisely!


Conclude your paper by summarizing the main arguments you made and providing an answer to your research question. You can also use the conclusion to suggest ideas for further research related to your question if you think there is a lack of scholarship in that regard (1 page)


Any material cited our used to write the paper will be presented here in MLA format.

Tables and Figures

Tables and figures may be interspersed throughout the paper where you refer to them or may all be put, in order, at the end of the paper. In either case, each table and figure must have a fully self-explanatory caption. This means that one should be able to understand the table or figure completely without reading the whole paper. They should also be numbered consecutively. Pivot tables from Excel need to be modified before they make acceptable tables. Figures need to be black and white, and the figure title (e.g., from Excel) is seldom sufficient as a caption. Be sure to refer to figures parenthetically in the text.

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Reference No:- TGS01438007

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