
Velleman 2007 offers a consequentialist argument against


Velleman (2007) offers a consequentialist argument against "establishing an institutional right to die." (Velleman, 2007, p. 81. My emphasis).

By ‘institutional right' he means a public policy, or law, which (at least) permits euthanasia. Vellemanmaintains that such an institutional right may actually harm some patients.

On the other hand, Velleman does concede that establishing laws that explicitly prohibit the option of euthanasia are liable to genuinely harm certain patients.

He concludes that perhaps the best policy is not to have any explicit policy at all: i.e., what I called in my notes the no-policy policy.

Criticallyexamine Velleman's argument and state whether you think that Velleman's argument is cogent; whether his no-policy policy regarding euthanasia is defensible; whether it is a workable solution; and whether it is compatible with a consequentialistapproach.

The short essay assignment is a minimum of 200 of your own words (i.e., minus all quotations).

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Dissertation: Velleman 2007 offers a consequentialist argument against
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