
Vectors and velocity of cannonballs projected upward


The pictures show cannonballs of two different masses projected upward and forward. The cannonballs are projected at various angles above the horizontal, but all are projected with the same vertical component of velocity.


Which of the following statements are true about the situations depicted in the figures above? (Give ALL correct answers: B, AC, BCD.., or None )

A) The longest horizontal distance traveled is in pictures A and D
B) The highest vertical height reached is the same in all cases
C) The time in the air is greater in A and D than it is in B and E
D) The flight of the ball is identical in pictures B and E, independent of the fact that the masses are different
E) At the top, the overall velocity of the cannonball is smallest

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Physics: Vectors and velocity of cannonballs projected upward
Reference No:- TGS01885349

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