Case study: VCI/Ellison Equipment-Coordinated Global Sourcing Process across Continents
Assignment Questions
1. Write summary of the case. Be sure to mention what are some of the differences, including cultural differences, between VCI and Ellison.
2. Discuss the concept of a "wave." Why does executive management want each global sourcing project to last six months and move through a lock-step series of steps?
3. What was the role of consultants when developing and executing VCI/Ellison's global process? What are the advantages and disadvantages of relying on external support?
4. What are some of the advantages and outcomes that VCI/Ellison has realized from its global efforts?
5. VCI and Ellison historically competed as regional companies, which the supply bases was structured to support. Why might this present a challenge as the companies try to take a combined and coordinated global view of supply management?