
varying utilization planthe utilization of

Varying Utilization Plan

The utilization of workers is varied keeping it he workforce size and inventory size constant. The number of workers is kept constant in this plan. During the months of low demand the workers produce less so as to match the demand and they have a lot of idle regular production are produced by overtime on the part of workers. The idle time on the part of workers during months of low demand is a loss to the company which pays full wages to its employees. On the other hand the company incurs overtime costs during periods of high demand. Overtime is usually expensive compared to the regular wages given to workers. In addition. Excess overtime leads to less effectiveness on the part of workers and much more accidents because of lack of concentration. Still the company saves on inventory costs which are almost negligible in this plan.

These basic planning strategies should preferably not be used in isolation from each other as each one of these has typical drawbacks. A combination of these strategies is used in preparing the aggregate production plan.

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Project Management: varying utilization planthe utilization of
Reference No:- TGS0202550

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