
Various studies have shown that most educators do not know

This needs to be done very thoroughly and at a Masters level. There is no page count for a word document or for the power point. You must answer each question and provide any additional information as outlined.

Assignment Instructions

The Internet is a powerful tool that can enhance your curriculum or lead you to pull your hair out. Various studies have shown that most educators do not know how to properly evaluate websites though they are being used in classrooms daily.

Within this assignment, you will learn how to evaluate the internet as well as apps and other tools for use within your classroom. After assessing your chosen math and science sites and tools, you will submit a review of them.

Submission Format:

1. Websites - List at least 5 websites that would be appropriate for teaching math and science (include at least some of each)

2. Website Details and Review-Include each link and write a few bullets or sentences about each regarding their strengths and possible classroom uses

3. Apps-Search apps for math and science instruction. Each year, many organizations publish lists of top apps. List at least 1 app for math instruction and 1 app for science instruction.

4. Apps Review-write a few bullets or sentences about each app regarding their strengths and possible classroom use

5. Conclusion-write at least one paragraph, citing and referencing the literature, about the role of technology in the math/science classroom.

You may submit this as either a PowerPoint, Prezi, or Word document.

These need to be elementary level.

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Dissertation: Various studies have shown that most educators do not know
Reference No:- TGS02485724

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