
Variety of texts for ethical-logical uses of evidence


[OVERVIEW] We have discussed the significance of theme (See pp 381-386 and 703), the central or dominant idea, in works of short fiction and poetry. In your first essay, you will compare and contrast the themes of two works assigned in the first two weeks of the course. This assignment is intentionally open ended subject-wise, though you should maintain the following criteria:

• Establish a dominant, controlling idea (thesis statement) in the opening paragraph that details how you believe each theme compares and/or contrast. Your choice of works, the elements of theme you highlight, and what you hope to prove in your comparison/contrast (the "So What?"), which should be thoughtful and risk-taking.

• Your thesis statement should articulate your controlling idea AND demonstrate the organization of the essay.

• Use quotes from each text to strengthen your claims. Keep in mind that the text is your BEST (if not only) source of evidence. You should use it carefully and often. Assume your audience has read these texts. You should NOT simply summarize the works (doing so will not merit a passing grade). You need to rhetorically select what scenes/events to pull out of the text to prove your point.

• Remember that according to MLA guidelines in-text citations with page numbers should follow your quotes. Visit the Purdue OWL website for formatting MLArequirements.

• In the Introduction, remember to provide the authors' names, the titles (short stories in quotations), and some sort of timeframe, such as publication date, writing date, or period of setting.

• Provide a Works Cited page at the end of the paper.

[A HELPFUL REMINDER] It is important to remember that the theme of a story is notplot summary; it conveys the values and ideas expressed by the story about the world outside the text. Simply conveying story plots will not result in a passing grade for this assignment.

Also, keep in mind that titles, settings, symbols, conflicts, and character statements can all reveal the theme of a story and help you prove your point.

[FORMATTING AND DEADLINES] This first essay should be at least three pages in length, double-spaced, typed, and in 12pt Ariel or Times New Roman font. (That means you may want one or two lines on page 4.) Also, you should follow MLA guidelines for quoting sources and formatting the paper.

First Drafts: Bring two hard copies to class ______ (date) for peer review. If you find yourself struggling, please visit me during my office hours, by phone, or we can schedule a time that suits both of us.When arriving for our meeting, make sure you have two or three specific questions about your paper.

Final Drafts: All papers are due in Blackboardon the scheduled date of Week 4 (please see the class schedule online) and will not be accepted late, unless arrangements are made with the instructor prior to the due date.

This paper meets the follow Course Objectives:

• To develop ideas and synthesize primary and secondary sources within focused academic arguments.

• To analyze, interpret, and evaluate, a variety of texts for the ethical and logical uses of evidence

• To write in a style that clearly communicates meaning, builds credibility, and inspires belief or action by following standard essay composition procedures; applying logical organization and support; and by using effective rhetorical strategies appropriate to defined audience and purpose.

• To be able to make and provide evidence for complex arguments

• To apply the conventions of style manuals for specific academic disciplines (MLA).

• To demonstrate revision in response to self-criticism and feedback from instructors and peers

• To mast conventions of argumentative academic writing that requires research

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Business Law and Ethics: Variety of texts for ethical-logical uses of evidence
Reference No:- TGS03009718

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