
variant typeif no data type is related with the

Variant Type:

If no data type is related with the VB variables, it takes the default variant type. The variable x will be of the variant type when the two declarations below are used.

Dim x

Dim x as Variant

A variant type can take string, numeric, date, null or Boolean values.

Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As


Dim i As Integer

Dim j As Long

Dim a As Single

Dim b As Double

Dim c As Single

Dim c1 As Currency

i = 32767 ' range is upto 32767 beyond that overflow occurs

j = 97400

Form1.Print "integer i is"; i

Form1.Print "long j is"; j

a = 8.97655467787088 '8.976555

b = 0.876554677870879

c = 100000000 '1E+08

c1 = 100000000

Form1.Print "single a is"; a

Form1.Print "double b is"; b

Form1.Print "single c is"; c

Form1.Print "currency c1 is"; c1

End Sub

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Visual Basic Programming: variant typeif no data type is related with the
Reference No:- TGS0173312

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