Assignment: Mixed Methods Research Manuscript Critique
In this module we expanded our knowledge about mixed methodology. Complete the following manuscript research critique for the Mixed Method research article you selected-
Manuscript Reference:
Type of Study: Mixed Method
- Research Topic:
- Purpose of the Study:
- Theoretical Framework: (Identify the theoretical/conceptual framework)
- Specific Research Questions/ Philosophical Underpinnings:
- Mixed method design: (present the elements of quantitative and qualitative and describe how these compliment each other and why it was important or was not important, to conduct this research as a mixed methods design.)
- Procedure: (How was the data collected? What was the sampling strategy used?)
- Variables/Concepts: (Identify the Dependent and Independent Variables or confounds.)
- Instrument(s) analysis: (Discuss reliability, validity and generalizability of the measures included in the study and/or discuss methods for collecting data. Discuss how rigor is assured.)
- Data analysis: (Discuss the statistical software, if any, used in analysis of the data and the type of analyses included.)
- Consent: (What type of consent, if any, was obtained from the participants?)