From zyBook Chapters 2 and 3 do the following Challenge Activities:
2.1 Variables and Assignments
2.1.1 Assigning a sum
2.1.2 Fahrenheit to Celsius using multiple statements
2.1.3 Multiple variables: Curving an exam score
2.4 Mathematical Constants
2.4.1 Circle area using pi
2.5 Numeric expressions
2.5.1 Compute an expression
2.5.2 Compute total cost
2.5.3 Computing wind chill
2.8 Characters
2.8.1 Declaring a character
2.10 Logical variables
2.10.1 Logic variables
3.3 Custom Functions
3.3.1 Plus x: A first function
3.3.2 Function definition: Double down
3.3.3 Function definition: Volume of a pyramid
3.3.4 Function call in expression: Reduced pricing
3.4 Math Functions
3.4.1 Population growth
3.4.2 Coordinate geometry
3.4.3 Tree height