
Variable measure of quality and attribute measure of quality

Question 1:

(a) Medicines are much specialised form of consumer product. They should be safe, effective and suitable for their intended purpose.

Quality Assurance (QA) in pharmaceuticals isn’t just an excellent business tool but a legal requirement.

(i) Discuss on the needs for the Quality Assurance system.

(ii) How does QA provide objective evidence of Quality?

(b) List and explain the five key principles of Total Quality Management.

(c) Make a distinction between Deming's common and special causes of variation and give ONE instance of EACH type from your experiences.

Question 2:

(a) Explain, using instances, the Prevention, Appraisal and Failure (PAF) model for measuring quality costs and briefly assess its potential for use in the service organisation of your choice.

(b) Growing competition has compelled organisations to seek and adopt Quality approaches to remain competitive and one of the extensively employed approaches is Benchmarking.

Briefly elaborate the different kinds of benchmarking and discuss the obstacles to successful benchmarking.

Question 3:

(a) The ISO 9000 series of quality management system standard is fast becoming a de facto requirement for doing business in many industries, despite the fact that it is the voluntary standard. Critically evaluate the merits and drawbacks of implementing such a system in the service industry.

(b) Critically measure the usefulness of SERVQUAL technique for measuring quality in the industry of your choice.

Question 4:

A restaurant has experienced a sudden raise in customer complaints and as a consequence the restaurant has been losing customers and orders. The quality manager wants to identify the problems and causes that may be contributing to customer dissatisfaction.

Discuss how the manager would apply quality tools and methods to resolve these complaints and enhance customer satisfaction.

Question 5:

(a) Distinguish between variable measure of quality and attribute measure of quality. Support your answer by means of instances.

(b) Identify the dissimilar types of control charts and discuss their use in statistical procedure control.

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Other Management: Variable measure of quality and attribute measure of quality
Reference No:- TGS07549

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