
Value stream analysis create a process map for the

Scope Overview

Wholesale Large Format Printing. Involves customized printing on various larger items, such as banners, flags, tents, signs, tradeshow displays, and giant inflatables. Scope of this project involves work that is performed on behalf of Wholesale Distributors.


Based on the interview conducted with a sales representative (see transcript below), complete the following three deliverables:

1. A3/Charter: Using the template posted on Canvas, complete the following sections of the A3 document for Wholesale Large Format printing: Stakeholders/Team, Scope, Background/Current Condition, Problem Statement, and Goals & Objectives.

2. Value Stream Analysis: Create a process map for the Wholesale Large Format Printing using BPMN notation. Perform analysis of each step/activity and label as: Value-Added (VA), Non-Value Added (NVA), Necessary-Non-Value Added (NNVA).

3. Write a 1-page summary of your key findings. Provide description about why you consider certain steps to be Non-Value Added.

Evaluation Criteria

The deliverables for this case study project will be evaluated as followed:

1. A3/Charter:
• Do you tell a compelling and believable "story" about why this process should be improved?
• Does the Scope section contained details about what is INCLUDED and what is EXCLUDED from the scope of the project?
• Does the problem statement describe the WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, EXTENT, and IMPACT?

2. Value Stream Analysis:
• Does the process map accurately reflect BPMN language? Not intended to be a granular, extremely detailed process model.
• Are the tasks/activities in the process model labeled as being Value-Added (VA), Non-Value Added (NVA), and Necessary-Non-Value Added (NNVA).
• Is the model flow accessible and easy to follow?

3. 1-Page Summary:
• Does your 1-page summary provide insight into your interpretation of the process value-added analysis?
• Did you provide a reasonable justification for why tasks are NVA or NNVA?

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Marketing Management: Value stream analysis create a process map for the
Reference No:- TGS01360487

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